Sweat Happy at Home


SKU: SWAH-V1 Category:

You want to get in shape, but you're not sure where to begin. Well you've found the answer, I'm here to help! This 85-page ebook is your go-to guide for the next three weeks on your fitness journey. With my years of experience as a professional soccer player and personal trainer, I have put together this guide with everything you need to succeed. Including a detailed exercise plan with pictures. This ebook will help you achieve your fitness goals in just three weeks. Combine my workout ebook with eating well and I know you'll feel like a new you!

Sweat Happy at Home is a comprehensive three week fitness plan! The program will take you through the process of transforming your body in a short timeframe. You'll learn exercises to help you get the most out of body and let it grow faster and stronger. I am so proud to be able to share this book with you all.

In Sweat Happy at Home, you'll find workouts written by me and a photo guide of every single exercise - so you know exactly how to do them. Getting fitter together will always be a 'we' thing which is why I’ve created a program to help you build your fitness foundation and become the best version of you. Sweat Happy at Home includes full-body workouts, lower body workouts, upper body workouts, high-intensity interval training (HIIT), and special 'challenge' workouts. Get ready to get better!

I am so grateful for this community that makes me want to wake up in the mornings.

IMPORTANT: Once you purchase the ebook you will be able to immediately download the workout guide. The purchase of this ebook is only valid for seven (7) days. Please ensure you download the ebook and save it somewhere safe! A link will also be sent to your email account, if you don't get the email just check your spam/junk folder.

Follow me on Instagram to work out with me!

Can’t wait to sweat happy with you all!

XX, Rylee

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